Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Send mail using Telnet

Here are the steps to send mails using Telnet command:

- Open 'Command Prompt' (Start --> Run --> type 'cmd' --> OK)
- Type telnet [server IP] 25
- Type Helo [domain name]
- Type MAIL FROM:[E-mail address]

You may get a '250 OK' message

- Type RCPT TO:[E-mail address1], [E-mail address2], [E-mail address3]

Here also you might get a '250 OK' message

- To write the mail message, type DATA and press Enter

  1. On the first line type SUBJECT:yoursubject and press Enter twice.
  2. Continue typing your message.
  3. Put a single period (.) on a line by itself and press Enter to send your message. The server should display a confirmation that your mail has been sent
Type 'QUIT' to exit Telnet